Friday, August 6, 2010
1:31 PM
Dr. Carl Baugh talks in his studio with Dr. Denis Swift, they give arguments for creation and intelligent design. Cryptozoologist Someone who examines reports of creatures and entities that supposedly have been extinct for long period of time, and someone who solves mysteries who previously had different interpretations, man with insight and determination Dr. Dennis Swift has gotten hold of priceless treasures, legally of course. He has traveled Afghanistan and Peru. He has explored mines and caves other parts of the world. He pastor of church Beaverton Oregon. He theologian and has PhD the academic field. He has determination to find the truth about an issue. He never forgets where he has been. He doesnt have to use map when he has already been there. He has been down trails and knows exactly where to turn, what fence to cross; he knew what rock was there 20 years ago when he saw the place before. God has given him special gift. He knows the lord. One reason he determined to solve many of the mysteries. the 1960s Eric Von Daniken published book Chariot of the Gods Best Seller Made certain claims Determines the mind set of generation Sold more than 60 millions books Dr. Denis Swift wanted to determine what the real facts were about the Nazca Lines Three Great Indian Tribes of the Past Inhabited the Peruvian Planes South America Nazca Indians Inca Indians Tiwanaku Indians Vica Indians Parakana Indians These Indians practiced certain things for hundreds of years Some of the ...
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