" " " Inca Labyrinth - Sun Island Bolivia | Inca Rose "
Chinkana,the most extensive Incan ruins on the Island of the Sun. It is a relatively large site, the multiple passageways and internally connected rooms lend a maze-like feeling to this complex (hence its name, which means labyrinth). Its true purpose is not exactly known, but many suggest that it was an administration center for the nearby Sacred Rock ceremonial site, used as priests accommodations and storage facility. Nearby is the focal point of solar worship for the Inca and other pre-Columbian cultures on the Island of the Sun, the Sacred Rock - the navel of the world - from which according to the legend the sun first rose. Further on is a rock formation called "Sun's Footprints", according to the local legend, sun left these foot prints behind as it walked away from its birth place. There are magnificent sceneries of the Lake Titicaca, views of coves with beaches with snowed up peaks of Cordillera Real (Andes) as backdrop. La "Chinkana" (Laberinto) A unos 200 metros del Templo del Sol (Roca Sagrada de los Orígenes) bajando hacia el Lago Titicaca, se encuentra una construcción semisubterránea con una serie de pasillos que conducen a salas que tenían varias puertas de acceso, las que a su vez se abren hacia corredores que se bifurcan en algunos casos, en varios ramales. Por la acción del tiempo los techos, tanto de las estancias como de los pasajes, se derrumbaron. La "Chinkana" es una muestra única del tipo de construcción laberíntica en el mundo. Es posible que ...

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